the following are obviously links to other websites. aint takin' no responsibility for their content or lack of accessibility.
if you want your link considered for inclusion, you better let us know with an

surf my way

profaneExistence - punk rock lives
the essence of DIY - (do it yourself)
growl with the earth
neurosis is just fuckin cool
life is pretty cheap
it aint official, but it's sumpthin'
is this a real link or is this a "Sears®" link?
official zappa info big you could drive it through a truck
he is old enough to be god
and yet, he still rocks harder than god
to live is to die
g.g. allin...
need more be said?
bob flannigan is the center of the film by kirby dick entitled:
"Sick: the life and death of bob flannigan - supermasochist"
they had a website at
but it has been inaccessible.
it is worth trying again.
and again.
and again.

then just do a search on "bob flannigan"

and if you find a copy of 


lemme know.  i have been seeking one.

live audio wrestling. go Canada!

with the demise of
i went to the LAW
and they are my pick for internet wrestling radio
(not to mention their support of the Wrestling Observer)

sharing a website with the Wrestling Observer

bryan alvarez authors
my new choice in weekly wrestling newsletters
it is a newsletter i read cover to cover each week
and i dont want to sound stupid
but it makes me laugh out loud
my first stop for any Wrestling related news
the first name in pro wrestling journalism is still
dave meltzer
Mas adelante!
Mexican Wrestling
plain and simple
my preference over AAA
and i have found this is to be the best way for me to learn a second language
it helps to have access to the Galavision television network
just what the name implies
info nicely laid out
Cystic Fibrosis Research, Inc....more of what the name implies
more info
the US national foundation
the US national foundation
the US national foundation

even more disease information and so forth
have you signed your donor card and notified your next of kin as to your wishes
transplantation of body parts is sharing with a capitol "S"
did i ask you if you have signed your donor card and notified your next of kin as to your wishes
transplant recipients international organization, inc.
interesting stuff
two sources of information on the condition we used to call cribdeath
but now refer to as
sudden infant death syndrome
sudden infant death syndrome


sudden infant death syndrome


mail the reverend